Sent by Marzieh on 05/06/2013

Ziba roo, khahr ghashangam, Vaji jan, Dr Hafez, your supervisor has written the following few words in response to my memorial email of your 10th anniversary. We all love you so very much and so long as we live, you are in our hearts. Fadat sham khoshgelam Lots & lots of love & xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Marzieh Dear Marzieh It is always nice to hear from you. Yes you are right time passed very fast and memories are still hanging clearly in the minds and hearts. Vajiheh, in her immortal life now, must be happy to see all that and to know that many people love her and continued to do that all this time. I wish you and all your family, particularly your mother, all the best and ask Allah to bestow the bounty of patience on all of you Hafez Ahmed Vajiheh's Lecturer and Supervisor